I read this statement in an old devotional: The eagle that soars in the upper air does not worry itself as to how it is to cross rivers.

The eagle doesn’t worry about the river, because it is flying so high that the river below him is very small to him.

Besides being a large, regal, powerful bird, the eagle is a symbol of power and freedom. Eagles actually thrive in windy, stormy weather. They use the wind to their advantage and can fly higher, even above the clouds. That’s why Isaiah 40:31 says: but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.

The eagle actually uses the wind of the storm to rise above the storm itself. I learned that an eagle can fly up to 50 mph under normal circumstances, but when it flies straight into the storm and uses the storm to its advantage, it can fly up to 100 mph!

We can be just like the eagle and when terrible storms come our way, we can rise above them, soaring in the knowledge that Almighty God has everything under His control, and nothing takes Him by surprise. It doesn’t make the situation go away, or even change the situation, but it changes how we perceive the situation. When we look to the Lord, letting Him be in control (for He already is, we just have to recognize it), it gives a peace that truly passes all understanding.

We worry about things that might happen, things that are going to happen, and worry about tomorrow before it gets here. Although our troubles may not go away, nor the situation change, we can look at it as being small, like the river is to the eagle because it truly is small to an almighty God, Who is in control and with Whom nothing is impossible.

So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matt 6:34.

From ministry friend Pam Rehbein