Tough guy? Yeah, he is.

We would call this man a tough guy because he is muscular. This is a kind of strength that many admire. The reality, however, is that anyone with the genetic potential to develop muscles and the discipline and commitment to build them can be that kind of strong. So, is this kind of strength the best definition of a tough guy?

A genuine tough guy–and this can be a man or woman–is someone who is strong in their spirit, in their commitments, integrity, and character, and in their relationship with God. The toughest, in my opinion, are those who are willing to make a commitment and hold to it regardless of circumstances, feelings, or the opinions of others.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” (Dan 3:16-18 NIV)

Today’s Scripture passage tells part of the story of some “original tough guys”. Nebuchadnezzar demanded that they submit to and worship the image he erected. They said, “Nope. No can do, Neb.” (Well, that is not exactly what they said but you can read their words below.)

The toughest part of what they said is this (and I am paraphrasing): “God will rescue us–but even if he does not, we WILL NOT!” This is true commitment, true toughness, true integrity, and strength beyond what most today are capable.”

Their faith in God was not based on what they thought God should do for them in their circumstances. They said, ” …even if he does not …” Their faith was rooted solely in who God is. IMHO, few today can stand in such a place of strength because few today are willing to know who God really is and face challenges with faith rooted in that certainty.

Tough? Beyond the imagination of most of us, these three were. Too often we fall apart when we don’t get what we want when we want it, when a problem is not resolved immediately, or when we perceive God is not performing for us as we expect (demand) Him to.

Let’s get brutally “real” here for a moment: Most of us commend ourselves when we exert an itty-bitty bit of self-control to resist throwing a tantrum when we don’t get our way. And then we have the audacity to think this is being tough. Is it? You already know what I will say. On a genuine toughness scale, that might be, oh, say, a -13 (and I think I’m being generous in that estimate).

Someone may be physically strong. They may be financially strong, have power over people, think they are in command of their lives, or be able to impose their wishes on others. True strength is something else entirely. True strength comes only from within. ONLY.

All of those other things I mentioned can be gone in a moment. Wealth, power, position, and influence are not guaranteed. Even if they were, what would we have? It all goes away eventually with the end of this life. The only true strength that no one can take from us, no circumstance can diminish. and that is ours forever is strength of spirit.

This is what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had, what they proved by what they did. They had the strength to stand when it was their next breath at stake. True strength is revealed in such moments.

Though revealed in those moments, it is DECIDED before the moment is experienced. This is the way it works and is what I hope you will take away from today’s message. Decide NOW that you will be one of those who will not run, not turn away, and not abandon their integrity and commitment even if the worst that could happen happens.

If you do this, you are strong. If you hold to it in challenging times, you are stronger. Do this, and one day, the strongest of all–Jesus Himself–will embrace you and say, “Well done!” And in that moment, it will all be worth it.

OK, tough one, what are you going to do? The choice is yours. Now you have a decision to make. “Do or do not. There is no try.” (Yoda).

From ministry friend Randall Vaughn
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