This is a lot like life. We can see what is right in front of us. We can sometimes see a short distance down the road. The destination, however, is foggy, misty, indistinct, and unclear. Feel familiar?

Would you like to have a road map to help you on this road? Got one for you.

Show me your paths and teach me to follow; guide me by your truth and instruct me. You keep me safe, and I always trust you. (Psalm 25:4-5 CEV)

In today’s Scripture passage, David gives us as close to a road map as I have ever seen. Each phrase in these two verses is like directions on a map:

  • Show me your paths
  • Teach me to follow
  • Guide me by your truth
  • Instruct me
  • You keep me safe
  • I always trust you

Do these steps and you will reach the destination God has for you. I will go so far as to say that if you do these with all your spirit (heart), mind (soul), and strength, it is not possible for you not to reach the destination He has for you. (Not the best grammar but it makes the point well.)

If you are intent on setting your own course, you are in for a difficult journey because–you, me, all of us–we simply do not know enough to make wise choices in the big picture. Our only option to end well in this life is to trust God’s love, wisdom, and nature.

Given that backdrop, David’s words make good sense. Also, given that backdrop, to be determined to make it our own way (without humility or surrender to Him) makes no sense.

All of this is, of course, my understanding of life. It has been gleaned from the most difficult of circumstances and the hardest of lessons. I have found it to be true throughout all I have experienced. This is why I believe it can be so for you.

So, you are at a crossroads, so to speak. We all are at a crossroads every moment of every day, but for right now, let’s freeze the moment. Imagine a big “You Are Here” pin in your life. On this road of life, you must choose how you will proceed from here.

You may have already made the choice to trust God. If you have, carefully examine that choice. Is it superficial or is it an all-or-nothing comprehensive surrender to His will and purpose for you?

If you have not made the choice, now is the time. Will there be time later? Maybe. Maybe not. We are given no assurances.

I can tell you that when I faced that moment about two months ago, there was no indication at any time prior that my time here could have been up. Only by God’s grace and courageous, faithful intercessors am I writing this message to you now.

Do you think you will know what you will do at that moment? I assure you: You have not a clue. I could not have answered the question prior to that moment. At the moment, there is a finality that is indescribable when the realization that “it’s all over” sets in. Whatever was not done will not be done. Whatever was done is all that will be done. There is no more.

It is from this understanding that I strongly encourage you to make your decision on how you will proceed from this moment, this “You Are Here” place. Do not think to do it later. Later may not come. This is not said to be melodramatic. It is said from experience that when the moment comes, there is no ‘later’.

Make it your determination to do all that David says in today’s passage. Do it now … OK?

From ministry friend Randall Vaughn.
(c) 2023 Randall Vaughn • All Rights Reserved •