In Zimbabwe, there is a place called Antelope Park where you can walk with lions. Once they get to be around 18 months old, they are caged so that they can go to other game reserves to enlarge the lion population. On my mission trips to Zimbabwe, we were blessed to stay a few extra days to go there.

On my first trip, when we went to the area where the adult lions were kept, a male was in one cage, and two females were in other cages next to him. I felt such peace looking at the male lion, thinking of Jesus, the Lion of Judah. However, the two females were not getting along very well. Never wanting to miss a photo op, I knelt next to the cage to get a close-up of one of the females. It was at that moment that she turned her full attention (and teeth) to me. Needless to say, when she roared at me, I jumped back (I did get the photo, but I don’t know how). If there had not been a fence between us, I’m quite certain it would not have been good for me! Afterward, I thought of 1 Peter 5:8: Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary, the Devil, is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for anyone he can devour. (HCS)

Notice the word “like.” We forget that Satan is not the Lion. He isn’t even a lion. He tries to be like that female lion, waiting to devour believers any time he gets a chance. He does everything he can to make us useless for the Kingdom, for if he renders us useless, we won’t focus on bringing others to Christ. He stalks us, waiting to see some weakness that he can attack, trip us to make us fall, or get us off course. He especially hits us head-on with a barrage of weapons when we are working for the Father.

We can’t stop enemy attacks, but we can fight him. How? By putting on our armor daily (Eph 6:10-18) and remembering that Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4), we resist him with Scripture so that he will have to flee. We can’t stop his attacks, but we can ward them off with the power of the Word of God. If you are under attack, lift up praises to the Lord. It may not stop the attacks, but it will definitely change your outlook.

from Pam Rehbein, a long-time friend of AllWorship

2 Responses to Like A Lion

  1. Angela Cooper says:

    Wow, yet another “God-incidence”, (are there really any ‘coincidences’?) Our church is doing Ephesians 6:10-20 right now! I also wrote it out to a baby Christian to take on a trip she was going on, to keep her strong in all that the Lord is doing in her life, and for her to stay strong in Him!
    Truly Blessed I am to be a part of AllWorship & to be Blessed by the written word as well as the music. Many times, I have been introduced to a song that I didn’t know & I fall in love with it!
    So grateful for YOU! May Blessings, bountiful Blessings prevail!

  2. Karen says:

    Thank you, exactly what I needed to read today. Thank you for giving Scripture with your story.

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