“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1a
“I have an important business meeting in the morning. Would you please set the alarm for 5:30 a.m.?” I said to my wife.
“Oh, that won’t be necessary. Just tell the Lord what time you want to wake up. He does it for me all the time,” my wife said.
I rolled my eyes in disbelief. “Well, I’d feel more comfortable if we set the alarm.”
“Okay, ye of little faith. But just to prove my point I am going to ask the Lord to wake us up just before 5:30.”
The next morning I awoke before the alarm went off. I looked at the clock. It read 5:15. I looked at my wife, who had just awakened at the same time with an I-told-you-so smile.
Sometimes we wrongfully view God as someone we go to for only the “big things.” The idea of “bothering God” for such a trivial matter seems foolish and presumptuous.
However, when you were a child and had to get up in the morning for school, didn’t your mom or dad come wake you up? They were your parents, and you could come to them with the most trivial concerns or requests. Why would our heavenly Father be any less approachable?
Perhaps our problem is that we simply have not developed a level of intimacy with God so that we feel the freedom to approach Him at these daily, routine levels. We often operate with an unwritten code that says our needs must have a certain degree of importance or crisis before we come to God with them.
This is not God’s character towards us.
Does the Lord desire this level of intimacy with you and me? The apostle Paul exhorted us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17 KJV). There is never a caution to pray only about matters of greater importance.
Today, go to God with matters that you might view as trivial and would normally avoid bringing to God. Ask God to increase your level of intimacy with Him. You may even be able to get rid of your alarm clock.
by Os Hillman
I have also had the same experience….he wakes me up a few minutes before the alarm goes
YES. God do care even for the trivial things in our lives because He loves us:)
I have never used an alarm clock wgile working for the last 41 years and I can attest to the Lord faithfulness to wake me every day, even on Sunday! Truly we serve a faithful God! And if I went into all of the so called trivial things, there would not be room to write it. I love the Lord, He is my friend. May He bless you real good.?
that was really enlightening, alot of time we dont trust God ,only when our back is against the wall we trust him.we should trust God with little things it is easier to trust him with the bigger things.